Fish 'n' Clips - By Colin Brattey
The wait is over.
Fish 'n' Clips is finally available online and it does not disappoint. This video is for the boy's. It is a special piece that looks at rollerblading as a bonding ritual rather than something super serious used to separate the boys from the men. Everyone in this video is clearly having a blast. It reminds me of when I first started skating and every kid on my street would either use a skateboard or rollerblades as their main way of interacting with the outside world.
Unlike so many skate videos I've seen in the past Fish 'n' Clips also doesn't feel obligated to showcase skating through the traditional aggressive lens. Be prepared to see some nice grinds and stylish gaps, but also be more prepared for hilarious winter snow skating sessions, technical big wheeling and most importantly laugh out loud lifestyle footage.
In many ways this video nails the mindset that we at Shop-Task are working to promote every single day we are in business. Rollerblading is supposed to be fun, its supposed to be about friends and most importantly without fresh air we'd all wither away eventually turning into khaki wearing, bandwagon sports fans.
Watch this video, and pat yourself on the back for being a Canadian skater.
Blading is for the Children